Cryptocurrencies and model 720: our tax team solves all doubts in the magazine Economía 3
The tax team of Tomarial has advised the magazine Economía 3 in a wide news item about the informative declaration of assets and rights located abroad (Model 720) that ends on March 31st. Our experts Miguel Ángel Molina, partner of the ...
Special report on the new decree of extraordinary aid to companies
Royal Decree-Law 5/2021, of March 12, establishes extraordinary measures to support business solvency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This report, prepared by the Tomarial team, details these aids for companies, from the requirements ...
Tomarial Dossier: Tax news 2021
The year 2021 is loaded with important fiscal changes: some already approved and others in the pipeline that we must bear in mind for this new fiscal year. At Tomarial, we have prepared a complete dossier that summarizes the main tax developments for 2021 ...