Maximum legal compensation for dismissal: A death foretold?
Today, the legal compensation for unfair dismissal is quantified on the basis of 33 days of work per year of service, with a maximum of 24 monthly payments, according to the current wording of article 56. 1 of Royal Legislative Decree 2/2015, of October 23,...
Attention, companies! Data protection telephone scams
Given the queries we have received from customers, we want to warn companies about an attempted telephone scam that has been multiplying in recent weeks. These are telephone calls to companies, in which they threaten sanctions for...
Analysis of the problems in VAT on services provided electronically
Emprendedores magazine has published in its October edition and within its legal and tax guide, a news item on the problems generated by VAT on services provided electronically. To analyze this issue, they have requested the opinion of several...