Tax Area
FIscality of the Company and the Entrepreneur
- Advice and Planning
- IRPF and IP planning
- Indirect taxes (VAT, ITPAJD,)
- Consolidation
- Inheritance and Donation Tax Planning
- Related transactions and transfer prices. Valuation and Documentation
- Due Diligence
- tax management
Real Estate Taxation
- Investment and divestment of real estate.
- Business planning with land / real estate.
- Optimization of derived income.
International Taxation
- Advice on foreign investments in Spain.
- Advice on Spanish investments abroad.
- Securities Holding Entities.
- Optimization of international structures.
- Advice to expatriates and impatriates.
- Transfer Pricing
Family business
- Family Business Taxation
- Family Office Advice
- Family Business Instruments (Family Protocol, Testament,).
- Assistance to Family Business Bodies (Boards of Directors, Family Councils,)
- Changes in the participation and departure of partners
Taxation of Corporate Restructuring Operations
- Acquisition and sale of companies
- Mergers, divisions, contributions of branches of activity and exchange of securities
- Solutions, settlements and transformations
Inspection Procedures and Tax Litigation
- Consultations before the General Directorate of Taxes and before the EAT
- Assistance and advice on tax inspections
- Claims before the Economic-Administrative Courts
- Claims before the Courts of Justice

• Spaces Madrid
Paseo de la Castellana, 200, 28046 Madrid
• +34 91 048 84 80