Labor-Legal Area
Labor-Legal Area
Comprehensive legal-labor advice: referring to all areas of Labor Law and Social Security
Labor hiring
Incidents during working life: Working conditions / Remuneration structure Disciplinary regime: faults, sanctions, dismissals / Working time, working hours, vacations
Remuneration system: compensation, benefits, incentives on social capital
Restructuring-labour reorganization-business succession: Contract suspensions-reductions in working hours / Collective and individual termination of labor relations / Geographical mobility and substantial mobility
Senior management: comprehensive advice, hiring, shielding and other special clauses
Trade union law: Legal representation of workers / Trade union elections Relations with trade unions
Collective bargaining: Collective Agreements, Collective Agreements, Company Agreements
Outsourcing of activities / outsourcing
Labor sports law
Equality Plans
Reconciliation Plans for personal, family and work life
Audits or revisions in any labor matter
Protocols on the use and control of electronic-computer elements in the company
Protocols regarding subcontracting activities
Action protocols regarding workplace harassment
Retention-loyalty of workers
Studies, plans, projects, in any legal-labor field
Training for Managers and Workers
Forums-labor observatories

• Spaces Madrid
Paseo de la Castellana, 200, 28046 Madrid
• +34 91 048 84 80