The newspaper Valencia Square has published an article by Santiago Blanes Mompó, partner of tomarial and responsible for our Labor Area, on the intended reform of labor hiring: "Another patch with the usual solutions".  Santiago Blanes offers a detailed analysis of the historical battle between temporality and fixity in the field of labor recruitment.

The article points out that choosing between temporality or fixity establishes two opposing poles that “are very simplistic solutions to deep problems. The usual solutions do not work for the usual problems ”, explains Santiago Blanes, adding that“ in this country we are dual and not very given to attend to the nuances, by the way, so rich and necessary ”.

To contextualize, Santiago Blanes provides data on the temporary employment rate in Spain, which is by far the highest in the European Union. The Government has the objective of reducing temporary employment to below 15% and increasing permanent contracts. Santiago Blanes clarifies that "temporality must always be accompanied by numerous instruments: flexibility during the employment relationship to adapt and readjust continuously to changes, and also flexibility of exit".

Thus, there are many questions that Santiago Blanes throws into the air: what is going to happen with the agreements? Will the sector agreement prevail over the company agreement? And ultra-activity? What happens? with outsourcing? With this, he shares this reflection: “surely what is needed is a deep and true industrial restructuring, a need that has been talked about in this country for at least fifty years. It is not a solution to always look to the same side ”.

To finish, Blanes asserts that what would have a positive timeless effect “would be to dedicate our efforts to building a productive country, with a leading and advanced industry. Surely the employer will not be dizzy to hire and not do it indefinitely ”.

Then the full article, which you can read in Valencia Plaza from this link.

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