The next Monday, June 3 at 10:00 a.m. we present the Decalogue for Transparency in Sports at our headquarters, the first normative document written in Europe for the impulso of regeneration and change in sports institutions through application of the legal concept of transparency.

The text is written by a team led by professor Javier Orduña, advisor of Tomarial Abogados, and coordinated and endorsed by the Bar Associations of Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Málaga and their respective Legal Research and Innovation Institutes.

With the public presentation of this document we want to contribute from a legal and academic point of view to the necessary debate on how to regenerate Spanish sport. As Public Law Corporations we express our concern about the degradation shown by the governance of the sports institutions in our country and we want to provide possible solutions based on transparency in their management and in their systems of representativeness and internal democracy. This value is
presented as essential for the dignity of sport and the legal values ​​it entails.

The presentation will be the responsibility of Javier Orduña, author of the Decalogue for Sports Transparency. They will accompany you Tomás Vázquez Lépinette and Paco Lloret.

  • Javier Orduña. Former Supreme Court magistrate. Professor of Civil Law at the University of Valencia. President of the Advisory Councils of the Legal Research and Innovation Institutes of the Bar Associations of Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Málaga. Counselor of Tomarial Abogados.
  • Tomás Vázquez Lépinette. President of Tomarial Abogados. Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Valencia.
  • Paco Lloret. Sports journalist.

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