tomarial has decided to strengthen its legal service specialized in agri-food law to improve the service to a strategic sector in the economy of the Valencian Community. The firm has accumulated outstanding experience in advising companies in this field: in fact, the founding partner of Tomarial and head of its Legal Area, Tomas Vazquez Lepinette, was one of the lawyers who created the Food Law Section within the International Union of Lawyers.

Tomás Vázquez Lépinette explains Tomarial's strategic commitment to the agri-food sector as follows: "We consider that it is a key area of ​​economic activity in the Valencian Community and dedicating ourselves in a specialized manner to agri-food law is logical to better serve their needs and because it is our aspiration to be a reference office also in this area. Isabel Gandia, Associate Attorney at Area Law of Tomarial, has specialized in agri-food law, receiving training and taking a specific master's degree in the field.

Agri-food law takes food as its central object of analysis, both for humans and for animals, regardless of the business form under which it has been produced, the technical means used for it, the size of the farm, its structure or the consideration of the producing subject as a farmer, entrepreneur or trader.  

This branch of law regulates two basic issues:

  • The regulation of food itself considered (quality levels, levels of residues and permitted additives, traceability, authorization or not of genetically modified foods, food advertising and labeling, rules of origin, animal welfare, etc.), all of which are fundamentally regulated in the Codex Alimentarius.
  • La food chain; that is, the organization of the market for agricultural products from the producer to the consumer (regulated in Law 12/2013 on the Food Chain). This part is very important, because it is where some very virulent economic conflicts take place (basically between suppliers and large distribution).

For any legal query regarding the agri-food sector, contact Tomarial and our specialist team will assist you.

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