Article by Juan Salvador. Designer and author of the new Tomarial logo.
A brand it is like an empty cardboard box that is filled with principles and values to which a label is placed, with a graphic image (anagram) and a name (logo), associated with that content.
Many are the terms in Spanish, and especially in English, that are used to name the different elements and processes involved in the creation and development of a brand. We will simplify using the term "brand" as defined in the dictionary of the RAE in its first entry: "A sign that is made or placed on something to distinguish it, or to denote quality or belonging."
Thus, the brand is the key and differentiating element that allows the consumer to identify a company or a product against the competition. Its visual identity is, therefore, a powerful information transmitting tool that must make it clear what it is and what it aspires to.
In the course of the life of an entity, company, firm or product, it is more than likely that its visual identity needs a transformation that brings freshness and a new appeal. In any brand that has been established for some time, it is advisable to carry out a graphic update process, keeping in mind the evolution and trends of the moment. The redesign or "restyling" is therefore an update based on the original image, in order to remember it while preserving its essence and philosophy. Today there are numerous examples of brands of all kinds that have opted for this process (Apple, Pepsi, Danone, Renault, Generalitat Valenciana ...).
In recent times, in the evolution of the graphic identities of large companies, there has been a trend towards simplicity, neatness, balance, betting on more linear, orderly and minimalist design solutions that reinforce their presence, regardless of any element that involves distortion.
One of the main reasons for this change is adaptation to the requirements of the internet. In the current context where the main showcase is digital, it is increasingly necessary to have an "omnichannel" brand, that is, a well-visible and legible image on the multiple screens and sizes of the different devices, for the use of social networks and other digital applications. Of course, although everything can be worth it, it is advisable to establish a
series of limits that avoid standardization and guarantee differentiation.
In 2007, Antonio Ballester Sanchez y Tomás Vázquez Lépinette they found TOMARY, law firm and tax advisers. The name chosen is an acronym that collects the first letters of the proper names of Antonio's three children, from youngest to oldest: Toni, María Amparo, Alberto. With that name ("naming" or logo) already chosen, the design of the brand is commissioned to an agency of the moment. The proposal is a composition formed by two squares, with all their axes well marked, in which the initials are housed T for TOMARIAL and A for Lawyers, supported by the descriptive text of "Lawyers and Tax Advisors".

In 2012, the Firm's value was strengthened and consolidated with the integration of the firm CARLOS DEL ROMERO.
From the beginning, the nod to the figure of "The vitruvian man" Leonardo da Vinci is present in the anagram. It is in December 2015, and with a view to the XNUMXth anniversary of TOMARIAL, that «Vitruvio» is formally invited to the company's Christmas lunch. On that day, attendees are presented with a simple publication in the form of a brochure that chronologically reproduces the formation of the anagram, always based on the figure that da Vinci drew. The words of Antonio Ballester in that after-dinner focus on highlighting some values for which TOMARIAL is committed: symmetry, balance and perfection are added to the slogan of "Artisans of Law" to reinforce the philosophy of the Firm.

Such is the identification with "The Vitruvian Man" and what he represents that, already in 2017 and on the occasion of the celebration of the XNUMXth anniversary of TOMARIAL, "Vitruvio" dresses up; "Vitruvian Distinctions" are constituted and awarded to representatives of different entities.
The Firm's service offering is increasingly broad and multidisciplinary, thus encompassing all business areas, especially with the incorporation of the firm CONNTIA in mid-2019. As the welcome slogan states, "Add to improve."
Already in 2020, a difficult year for everyone, far from remaining in expectation of events, it is committed to continuing to advance and is in charge of studying the renewal of the corporate image, based on the redesign or "restyling" of the brand .
With the premise of keeping the TOMARIAL logo («naming»), work is being done on updating the anagram. To do this, the two squares become one, the initials T and A are dispensed with, it is preserved and also gives absolute prominence to the lines of the circle, the square and the vertical, horizontal and diagonal axes of the proportion. aurea from "The Vitruvian Man" by Leonardo. Thus, a figure is obtained that, even if it turns or turns, its resounding symmetry makes its vision always remain identical and unalterable.

The result is an anagram that, in an abstract way, tries to collect all the
concepts of TOMARIAL's philosophy:
· Symmetry, balance and perfection, represented by the "Vitruvian axes" themselves.
· The multidisciplinary, indicated in the different portions drawn by the circular figure, where the different areas or services offered by the Firm are housed: Tax, Commercial and procedural, Labor management, Management and HR consulting, Data protection, Regulatory compliance, Legal labor , Tax litigation ...
· Versatility, pointed in the four directions indicated by the four arrows pointing from the corners.
· Crafts ("Artisans of Law"), drawn on the lines of the "Vitruvian axes"; every good craftsman draws his lines, every good craftsman draws his plan, in short, his strategy to achieve his goal in the best possible way.
· Internationalization, marked by the universality that the figure of the circle itself represents.
The new brand is completed with the following elements:
A descriptive text that is adapted to expose in a very concise way the three
generic concepts of the main activities of the Firm today:
Lawyers · Economists · Consultants.
A typeface, Avenir, based on simple geometric figures, such as the square, the
circle and triangle, characterized by its legibility and its long ascenders and descenders, make it a slim and very elegant font.
Un corporate color such as dark red or maroon (Pantone 201) as it is a color associated with the Law that also represents vitality, positive energy, strength and enthusiasm.
A versatility at its disposal, inherited from the original brand that continues to offer a version in both horizontal and vertical formats, adaptable to all types of supports.

In short, a new image created with the intention of conveying the TOMARIAL philosophy in the most concise way possible.
So welcome the concept of "Less is more".
PD: Yes, someone can say that the new anagram reminds them of the piece where the "cheeses" of the Trivial game are housed ... And they are right: What is the purpose of the Trivial? Be the first to get all the answers from all the categories. What is the objective of TOMARIAL? Be the first to offer all solutions to its clients in all areas. Let the game begin then.