Santiago Blanes Mompo, partner of the Labor Department of tomarial, has written an article for the newspaper Valencia Square: "Back with the labor reform or counter-reform". It analyzes in detail the current situation that the labor market is going through in Spain, a sector shaken by the pandemic, which, as it well points out in its article, has left 4.008.789 people unemployed, 8.900.000 pensioners and almost 1 million people in ERTE .

Santiago Blanes emphasizes the consequences of attacking past labor reforms. Among them, it highlights that it would mean a return to the ultra-active of the agreements, reinforcing the sectoral agreements and restricting or hardening subcontracting. Santiago Blanes assures that “talking about the job market, about the creation of wealth, must necessarily go through the flexibility of labor relations and the job market: when entering it, through hiring; during the validity of the employment relationship, for the preservation of it, attending to the flexibility of modifying the link in response to the specific needs of each moment. "

From this link you can read the full article of our partner published in Valencia Plaza.

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